The Dos and Don’ts of Online Video Marketing
Today 78% of people watch videos online every single week. More video content is being uploaded to the Internet in one month than TV has produced in thirty years. More than 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube every day. If you’re not using video in your marketing, you are missing a huge opportunity to reach your target market at scale. According to HubSpot research from 2019, more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands, more than any other form of content. Informative, brand-positioning videos play well on multiple channels, especially social media channels like YouTube (of course), Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. (What about TikTok? Let’s have a conversation before we explore that one for your business.) Just keep them short, please!
Video has quickly become a vital part of our internet landscape, and just like any other marketing tool, you need to learn the best way to make it work for you and your brand. So, if you are considering investing in this tool or improving your current video marketing campaigns, here are a few dos and don’ts to help you develop a killer video strategy.
DO Keep it Short:
73% of videos published in the last year are under 2 minutes long. You may only have 3 to 5 seconds to grab the attention of your target audience, so don’t waste them. Don’t cram all of your material into one video or you’ll overwhelm your audience. Instead, focus on one main topic. Dunkin’ Donuts does this swiftly with a looping Instagram video for Mother’s Day that will change the way you gift.
DO Include Your Personality:
Your video content is a representation of your brand so make sure you include your brand’s style and personality. Whether you’re demonstrating the tough grit of your team, your brand’s reputation for compassion, or that you’re a brand that likes to shake things up, your video should feel like it’s made by humans for humans.
DO Try New Things:
The Internet is always looking for the next best thing, so try not to stick to the same old song and dance. It’s okay to branch out every once in a while and try a video technique you haven’t done before, whether that’s a GIF, 360-degree, cinemagraph, or something no one’s even attempted to do. It’s a great way to stand out and capture your audience’s attention.
DO Analyze Your Results:
It’s not just about the number of people who view your video. Consider what action you want people to take after viewing your video and set up goals and key performance indicators based on that. By taking the time to analyze the results of your video efforts, you can continue to improve and expand.
DO Develop a Multi-Channel Strategy:
Facebook and YouTube are not the only platforms for video. SnapChat, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are all players in the game now. Determine how you will incorporate these channels into your strategy. This means thinking through the platforms that make sense for your brand and your audience, the goals you want video to achieve, and how you will measure success.
Don’t Rely on Sound:
85% of Facebook video is watched without sound. Make sure you take into consideration the platform you will be posting your video on and don’t rely on sound to get your message across. Whether you rely on captions, imagery, or guiding your audience through the process with an instructional video, you need to be able to get your story across whether your audience has the sound on or off.
Don’t Overdo It:
Like I said, there is A LOT of video on the Internet these days. Don’t load up your social platforms with around the office video content shot with Linda from Accounting’s iPhone. Having video content for the sake of having video content is not a strategy. Don’t post anything that doesn’t align with your marketing goals, the quality of your brand, and the needs of your target audience.
Don’t Create Content for YOU:
While you may be proud of your company’s achievements and believe video is a great way to share the news with your audience, this is not what your audience wants to watch. Develop content that provides value for your customer. Do the research to find out what your customer is searching for and how you can provide that with your video content.
Don’t Forget Your Call to Action:
Don’t leave your customers hanging. Let them know what they should do now that they have finished watching your video. Insert a coupon code, a phone number, or any information that will help guide them down the path to a conversion. (Again, it is important to have a strategy for your videos, as well as a plan for what you want each to do. Keep in mind that people viewing videos are typically going to behave differently than someone who has clicked your ads. Think through what you want them to do!)
Don’t Expect Overnight Results:
After your video has been posted, don’t expect thousands of views the very next morning. Give your video time to do its magic; after all, many of today’s viral videos took months to become an overnight success. Remember to analyze your results, learn from them, and apply them to your next video.
Now that you’ve got some basic dos and don’ts under your belt, are you ready to get started on your next video marketing campaign? If you could use a helping hand to guide you through this process, consider investing in a strategic partner like Scheffey.
We’re able to fill the gaps in your marketing and work with you to develop quality content that will deliver your brand’s message and engage your audience. Take a look at some of our previous work here. If you’d like to see if our experienced team could help your brand, give us a call.