6 Ways to Find a Work-Life Balance
While this is certainly the ultimate goal in life, we all know that it’s a hard to reach luxury. Most of the time the two are not equal, so finding solid work-life balance tips can be difficult. Besides, whoever said there is a perfect “equation”? To me, it seems as though the tie between accomplishment and happiness is a better judge of a successful balance in our lives.
Either way, life happens. So, how do we keep our focus and maintain this balance? If we don’t find our own personal equation, stress can cloud our concentration, which ultimately can harm our professional and personal relationships.
In an industry where we must be creative, finding that balance is essential because our minds must always be fresh. For example, how could we strategize a new creative ad campaign if we are stressed out from trying to fit too much in the day before?
Here are my top 6 work-life balance tips:
- Build Support Networks – You can’t do life alone. Finding people in a similar stage of life can help you stay focused. Get their help to clarify what is really important in your life and hold each other accountable.
- Community Involvement – This can often combine your work and personal interests and is a great way to keep others involved too. For example, bring your family along to community events that your work is sponsoring.
- Remove Technology – Always having your phone with you creates high expectations of accessibility. Block out time in the evenings to unplug.
- Stay Healthy – It’s important to take care of yourself so that your mind and body can be re-charged each day. Eating small healthy meals throughout the day, exercising in the morning and getting adequate sleep make for a more productive lifestyle.
- Learn To Say “No” – Over-committing doesn’t help anyone. Stay focused on your priorities.
- Stay Inspired – Although it can be difficult to find the time, it’s very important to find your own personal inspiration (especially when working in a creative industry) such as reading, nature walks, museum tours, painting, traveling, etc.
We owe it to our families, our clients – but more importantly, ourselves – to take the time to find the right balance in our lives. No one is perfect and we can’t succeed at this 100% of the time. For me, it’s a daily struggle but I know as long as I focus on my personal equation I can continue working towards the most fulfilling life possible.
“Imagine working 20% smarter instead of 20% longer. Work-life balance and startup success at any stage aren’t mutually exclusive. There are enough hours in the day to be effective and present.” -David Cummings, Co-Founder and CEO of Pardot